Ice Cream in a Bun
The first time I saw someone walking down the street in Palermo, eating ice cream in a bun, I thought, “What a weirdo”.
The second time I saw it, I thought, “Is this some sort of crazy Sicilian specialty?”
The third time I saw it, I thought, “That looks delicious”.
And the fourth time I saw someone eating ice cream in a bun, it was because I spotted my own blissful reflection in a storefront window.

So, yes, ice cream in a bun (or more exactly, a brioche) is a popular snack in Palermo. The sweet bread is cut open and a mound of ice cream plopped inside. It’s more difficult to eat than from a cone: the ice cream melts faster, and dainty licks aren’t nearly as effective as full-mouthed bites. But I’ve always been a fast ice-cream eater, devouring entire cones in the time it takes Jürgen to finish putting colorful candy sprinkles on his, so I’ve got no problem with it.
In fact, I think I prefer my ice cream in a bun. The brioche tastes incredible with the ice cream, chewier and fuller than a cone. It’s surprising that the tradition hasn’t made its way to other countries; this is the first time we’ve seen it. So before we leave Sicily, I’ll have to make sure to get my fill of ice-cream-buns. Yes, it’s the only sensible thing to do.

Wow, that looks delicious! Brilliant invention… I say, why not? 😉
I agree that it is amazing it hasn’t been copied in other countries. A fab idea. I can imagine how scrumptiously chewy it would be. What flavour is the one in the photo? I am thinking hazelnut or mocha.
Typical Sicilian delice mispronounced as BRIOSCIA con gelato!
Yummm!! This looks and sounds amazing! I wish we had these here in Rome. Might have to take a trip to Sicily soon. 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
Love ice cream in a bun. I’d forgotten about it. Does sound weird at first, but mmmmmmmm.
I have been dreaming about these for the last 10 years… I’ve tried to explain them to so many people and I can tell they just don’t understand! Bread and Ice cream? No! Brioscia and gelato! Reaffirming that I need to go back to Sicily…
Lauren I think you have to!!!! And if you continue reading you will be booking your flights here in a minute or so 🙂
As a child in the sixties we would buy a normal fruit bun with a scoop of icecream in them. All shops used to sell them. Delicious!
We do ice cream in a bun in the Philippines, since i was a kid ,i never thought it was weird , innovative perhaps, no cone, use a bun,,hhehehe, and the sicilians too